Blog Archives

Gainesville Loves Mountains

citizens work on Gainesville Loves Mountains

Gainesville, Fla., citizens push their utility away from mountaintop removal coal and toward clean energy.


New Study Maps Increase in Land Disturbed by Coal Mining

A new study shows that surface mining has cleared 1.5 million acres of land between 1976 and 2015, and also showed a drastic increase in the ratio of land cleared to tonnage of coal produced over the last three decades.


Opposition to Proposed Tennessee Mountaintop Removal Mine

Kopper Glo Mining is seeking a second permit to release pollution from its nearly 1,500-acre proposed Claiborne County, Tenn., strip mine into public waterways. Attendees at a public hearing voiced a number of concerns.


Pattern of Violations at Alpha’s Middle Ridge Mine

West Virginia ordered a subsidiary of Alpha Natural Resources to “show cause” for why it should be allowed to continue operating Middle Ridge Mine after incurring seven violations since July 2016.


Congress Blocks Stream Protection Rule

The Congressional Review Act, a rarely invoked procedure, was used by the U.S. Congress to strike down the Stream Protection Rule.


Environmental Votetracker — Feb/March 2017

How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding whether to nullify the Stream Protection Rule.


Mountaintop removal limited — not stopped — in Tennessee

A former surface mining site in Tennessee. Photo taken October 2012, flight courtesy Southwings

The Obama administration has approved a petition from Tennessee to designate some 75,000 acres of mountain ridges off limits for surface coal mining. The move protects mountain streams, wildlife habitat, scenic views and eco-tourism assets of the iconic Cumberland Plateau. But other mountains in Tennessee are still threatened with mountaintop removal mining. Take action today.


Southwest Virginians Challenge Mine

On Nov. 7, community members voiced their concerns about the proposed Doe Branch mountaintop removal mine to the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy.


Across the Years: Updates from the Archives

In honor of our 20th anniversary, we looked through The Appalachian Voice archives to identify important topics that we’ve covered over the years and provide updates on where these issues stand today.


Navigating the Russell Fork

The Russell Fork River was recently added to American River’s 2016 list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers because of threats from mountaintop coal removal mining.


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