Blog Archives

Public forum for community development to be held in Scott County

devil's bathtub

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 16, 2023 CONTACT Emma Kelly, New Economy Field Coordinator,, (276) 289-1003 Scott County — A group of non-profit organizations —, including Appalachian Voices, Virginia Organizing, The Clinch Coalition and Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards — is


Reckoning with land ownership as Central Appalachia moves away from coal

Appalachia’s biggest problem may lie below our feet. Throughout the booms and busts of the coal industry, landholding corporations have kept their grasp on the land which previously held coveted resources.


Building community power for economic transition in the coalfields


The New Economy Network of Southwest Virginia continues to progress local conversations to bring positive change to the region.


Fighting for equitable land access in Southwest Virginia

Absentee land ownership in Wise County

Large, out-of-state companies often hold huge tracts of land in Southwest Virginia and across the region for its perceived coal or timber potential — making it difficult for nearby communities to use the land themselves.


New Economy Network looking to 2021 at November meeting

CONTACT: Austin Counts, New Economy Field Coordinator,, (276) 219-2751 Southwest Virginia — The New Economy Network will host a virtual meeting on November 18th, from 6 – 8 p.m., to discuss the network’s goals for 2021. All are invited


Southwest Virginia’s natural resources present new opportunities and challenges

Join us for a discussion on how we can leverage ecotourism into a burgeoning new economy for the region!


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