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State Corporation Commission rejects Chickahominy Pipeline’s plan for 83-mile unregulated gas pipeline

Pipeline construction

Today the Virginia State Corporation Commission rejected plans from Chickahominy Pipeline, LLC, to construct an unregulated gas pipeline 83 miles from Louisa County to a proposed gas-fired power plant in Charles City County, instead determining that the company is a public utility subject to Commission regulation. The Southern Environmental Law Center represented Concerned Citizens of Charles City County, Hanover Citizens Against A Pipeline, Appalachian Voices, and Chesapeake Bay Foundation in the case.


Air Board denies key permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline, dealing critical blow to beleaguered fracked gas project

Contact Jessica Sims, Gabby Brown, Chatham, VA — Today, in a victory for environmental justice, the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board voted 6-1 to deny the air quality permit for the proposed Lambert Compressor Station. The station would


Federal and State Agencies Consider New Water Permits for Controversial Pipelines


Critics of the Mountain Valley Pipeline are calling on Virginia to deny a Clean Water Act certification for MVP. The pipeline’s proposed extension, MVP Southgate, faces several hurdles.


National Academies of Sciences to study impacts of potential industrial gold mining in Virginia

CONTACT: Chad Oba, Friends of Buckingham,, 434-806-6332 Jessica Sims, Appalachian Voices,, 804-356-1228 Stephanie Rinaldi, Friends of Buckingham,, 402-290-6149 Buckingham, VA – Groups from around the state expressed optimism today that the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and


It’s a wrap! A rundown of the 2021 Virginia General Assembly

We and our allies fought hard for the health and well-being of communities and the environment, and we’re grateful for the emails and calls you delivered to the legislature to support these efforts.


Mountain Valley Pipeline’s Latest Challenges: Water-crossing Permits and Compressor Station Hearing

mountain valley pipeline

The long-contested MVP faces new delays due to water-crossing permits. Bills that would give Virginia more authority to protect water quality from pipelines are advancing in the state legislature. As the commonwealth considers a compressor station for MVP Southgate, developers of the canceled Atlantic Coast Pipeline begin the restoration process.


A way forward for Appalachia

Our legislative director outlines a list of action items for the Biden administration — suspending utility shutoffs during the pandemic, strengthening oversight of the fossil fuel industry, and moving swiftly to support just economic transition in coal-impacted communities.


Almost 8,000 call on federal agency to not allow the Mountain Valley Pipeline to cut through public forest land in Virginia

CONTACT: Russell Chisholm, Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights Coalition,, 540-404-2727 Jessica Sims, Appalachian Voices,, 804-356-1228 With the close of a public comment period yesterday, the U.S. Forest Service has received more than 1,800 personal comments and approximately 6,000


The Appalachian Pipeline Resistance Movement: “We’re Not Going Away”

Desiree Shelley

Residents along the paths of the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines have made it clear that fracked-gas projects are not welcome.


Time’s up for the Mountain Valley Pipeline

mountain valley pipeline

More than 43,000 people agree — regulators need to reject MVP’s request for a deadline extension.


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