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What do Virginia’s new energy laws mean for the coalfields

New energy laws in Virginia provide significant opportunity for solar development in the state’s historic coalfields, but not enough direct support for communities hit by the clean energy transition.


The change in Richmond can bring change statewide

Advocates for clean energy, environmental justice and fair electricity pricing are leveraging the shift in political power in Richmond to advance their missions. Here’s some of the bills Appalachian Voices is working on this session.


Southwest Virginia communities first in Central Appalachia to achieve national recognition for advancing solar energy

Saint Paul, VA, July 25, 2019 – Eight Southwest Virginia communities have achieved designation under the national SolSmart program for encouraging the growth of local solar energy markets, at a time when several major solar installations on schools, businesses, and


Who’s casting shadows over N.C. solar?

FB-Cover02-croppedWhen it comes to jobs, pollution, and sustainability, energy from the sun beats energy from fracked gas hands down. So why are N.C. legislators and Duke Energy casting shadows over the state’s potential to become #1 in solar?


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