Blog Archives

Black lung survivors take their case to Congress

Residents of Southwest Virginia went to Washington, D.C., to tell Congress about the plight of their neighbors, friends, family members and other coal miners with black lung disease.


Federal fund for black lung healthcare in danger

coal miner

Our elected representatives need to step up and make sure coal companies pay their fair share toward healthcare for coal miners with black lung disease.


SolSmart Designation in Works for Southwest Virginia

Several counties and towns in Southwest Virginia received a federal grant to help develop solar energy in the area.


Virginia Students Develop Satellite Technology

Mark Warner Wise County students

In the new Virginia Space ThinSat Program, students from fourth grade to rising seniors create small satellites that collect data from a low-Earth orbit.


House renews funding to clean up old coal mines

The House of Representatives yesterday evening passed two measures that would continue the critical work of communities in Central Appalachia to cleanup and repurpose old coal mines for new economic development initiatives. The two amendments to the Interior appropriations bill


Abandoned coal relics cleaned up with settlement funds

The sites of two abandoned coal tipples in Southwest Virginia were recently reclaimed thanks to settlement funds resulting from a water pollution lawsuit.


A Sunny Welcome for Austin Counts

Our Norton, Va., office is thrilled to welcome our new Southwest Virginia Solar VISTA, Austin Counts! Austin will be helping our New Economy Program to bring more solar energy to the region.


Southwest Virginia High School Robotics Team Shines with Solar

Ridgeview High School’s robotics team “Squatch Watch” won several awards using solar-powered robots.


More to ‘pumped storage’ than meets the eye

A plan to use defunct coal mines in Southwest Virginia for a hydroelectric facility could be a great idea — provided it uses local workers and locally sited solar energy to run the operation.


A roadmap to boosting solar in Southwest Virginia

Cover of the Solar Roadmap for Southwest Virginia

Last week, the Solar Workgroup of Southwest Virginia released an outline for bringing a just, sustainable energy economy to the coalfield region.


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