Blog Archives

Yurts and the Significance of a Circle

Yurts offer an affordable, cozy housing option with a light environmental footprint.


The Tiny House Revolution

Sarah Kellogg with her tiny house frame

More and more people are building tiny houses as a sustainable alternative to traditionally large American homes.


The Miracle of Harvest

The Harvest Table Restaurant provides diners with a genuine farm-to-table experience that emphasizes the beauty and simplicity of sustainable living.


South Fork Sharestead

In six years, Jonathan Towers has transformed his average American home into an energy-efficient, food-abundant powerhouse. By retrofitting the house to be energy efficient and maintaining a strong commitment to energy conservation, their utility bill has dropped 75 percent.


A Rush of Clean Energy at Pine Root Creek

By Jesse Wood Just as kayakers and farmers love rain during a drought, so does Richard Cobb. “I just constantly hope for rain,” Cobb said. Cobb installed a 5-kilowatt microhydro system on his Mitchell County property in Buladean, N.C. in


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