In the new Virginia Space ThinSat Program, students from fourth grade to rising seniors create small satellites that collect data from a low-Earth orbit.
In the new Virginia Space ThinSat Program, students from fourth grade to rising seniors create small satellites that collect data from a low-Earth orbit.
Appalachia’s Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Company Brightfield Transportation Solutions, an Asheville, N.C.-based company, has harnessed the world’s largest and longest transportation fuel pipeline. This nearly 93-million-mile wireless pipeline wasn’t constructed by a large corporation, isn’t causing a political fist fight,…
Many smartphone applications tend to isolate users, since staring at a screen automatically distracts them from their natural surroundings. However, there are some apps that may actually help to bring users closer to nature — here’s a few to try.
How adding intelligence to an aging system could put control in the consumers’ hands By Davis Wax While we can often take our 21st-century technology for granted, whether it is the next smartphone, laptop or means of digital storage, there…