Blog Archives

Counting Hawks

broad-winged hawk on power line

“Any day you see a hawk is a good day,” says longtime hawk watcher Bill Haley. During peak migration season, lucky hawk watchers in Appalachia may see thousands of hawks in a single day.


Citizen Science in Appalachia

kid holding beetle trap

From monitoring the health of local waterways to tracking the changing seasons, people from all walks of life are seizing the opportunity to participate in scientific projects.


Vigilant Volunteers Monitor Pipeline Construction

Elizabeth Struthers Malbon

Local residents are monitoring pipeline construction along the routes of several major projects. Some people are checking on the health of impacted streams, and others are deploying aerial surveillance.


Bruce Gould and Kate McClory: Advocates for a Better Appalachia

Bruce Gould and Kate McClory distribute The Appalachian Voice in Richmond, Va., and are passionate about enjoying and protecting the outdoors.


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