Blog Archives

EPA says Corps must reject federal water crossing permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline

CONTACT: Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, Amy Adams, 828-964-7431, The Environmental Protection Agency has recommended to the Corps of Engineers that it not issue a stream-crossing permit currently under consideration for the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline. In a May 27


Court rules that coal mines need a permit for water pollution from valley fills

creek with unnatural blue hue

Good news for clean water! Despite a setback in appeals court, overall the Red River Coal Company court ruling will help communities fight back against pollution from mountaintop removal coal mines.


It’s a wrap! A rundown of the 2021 Virginia General Assembly

We and our allies fought hard for the health and well-being of communities and the environment, and we’re grateful for the emails and calls you delivered to the legislature to support these efforts.


Insects Carry Traces of Mountaintop Removal Mining

Years after mining ends, selenium pollution from mountaintop removal coal mining operations still accumulates in insects downstream.


Federal report on MVP-Southgate pipeline snubs human, environmental impacts

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate extension pipeline. Although considerations were incorporated from public comments, the overall conclusion of the FEIS remains the same from its


Beginning of the end of N.C.’s coal ash crisis

North Carolinians have won a major victory with the announcement that Duke Energy would remove coal ash from its remaining sites. Appalachian Voices is proud to have worked side-by-side with the people who fought so hard, for so long to defend their communities.


North Carolina, Duke Energy reach historic settlement on coal ash cleanup

Today, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality


Citizen scientists uncover water quality violations in Kentucky national forest

Women stand by bright yellow creek

Citizen scientists discovered that acid mine drainage is causing a creek in Kentucky’s Daniel Boone National Forest to flow a bright orange, and they spurred state regulators to issue citations to the mine operators. But mining company Revelation Energy is in bankruptcy, which leaves big questions about who will clean up the mess — and when.


Advocacy groups sue multiple coal facilities for water violations

CONTACTS: Erin Savage, Appalachian Voices Central Appalachian Program Manager,, 206-769-8286 August 7, 2019 Charleston, W.Va. — A coalition of West Virginian advocacy groups including the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Appalachian Voices, and the Sierra


EPA Rejects Proposed Oak Ridge Landfill

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rejected a controversial landfill in Oak Ridge, Tenn., that was to contain low-level radioactive and mixed waste from a federal laboratory and security complex.


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