The White House today released a report identifying dozens of coal-impacted communities in the U.S. needing immediate investment, and setting up a process for community town halls.
The White House today released a report identifying dozens of coal-impacted communities in the U.S. needing immediate investment, and setting up a process for community town halls.
The White House today named the 26 members of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, a new body created to support the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to advance environmental justice nationwide by using all levers of the federal government. The…
Our legislative director outlines a list of action items for the Biden administration — suspending utility shutoffs during the pandemic, strengthening oversight of the fossil fuel industry, and moving swiftly to support just economic transition in coal-impacted communities.
In August, the U.S. Dept. of the Interior ordered the National Academy of Sciences to halt a two-year review of the human health impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining. The review’s budget was less than 1 percent of the department’s current grant spending.
The “America First” budget proposed by President Donald Trump in March 2017 would slash funding to many programs that Appalachian residents depend on.
In our view, the new administration’s approach to environmental protection and national energy policy is dangerously shortsighted. We will do everything we can to see that the laws protecting our natural heritage and the communities of Appalachia are enforced, and not be distracted from our vision for a healthy, sustainable future for our region and beyond. We know you’ll stand with us during this uncertain time.
An important message from our executive director, Tom Cormons: Today, more than ever, we need to stand together and support each other to defend the health of Appalachia’s communities, our irreplaceable natural heritage, and the future of the planet. We know you are with us.